Whole Person Virtual Care
What We Do
We provide access to timely, affordable and high quality care for both medical & mental health. Speak to an ER-trained Provider within 30 minutes. Available 24/7 for $0 regardless of where you are. This is not "tele-health"...this is a fully staffed Virtual Practice.
In 2014 two ER Providers recognized that over 80% of ER patients did not have true medical emergencies. People went to the ER to get immediate and high quality care; they were sick and did not want to wait days/weeks for an appointment.
A full service Practice that provides: Primary / Urgent / Acute / Emergent / Mental care. Rx, Refills & Diagnostics can be called in and run through your insurance.
Employer sponsored for $10/EE/Mo. Dependents covered. Unlimited use.
In 2014 two ER Providers recognized that over 80% of ER patients did not have true medical emergencies. People went to the ER to get immediate and high quality care; they were sick and did not want to wait days/weeks for an appointment.
A full service Practice that provides: Primary / Urgent / Acute / Emergent / Mental care. Rx, Refills & Diagnostics can be called in and run through your insurance.
Employer sponsored for $10/EE/Mo. Dependents covered. Unlimited use.
92% of calls are diagnosed immediately.
95% patient satisfaction.
95% patient satisfaction.
Categories (10)
Business Solutions, Exhibitor, Service Providers
31274 Sugarhill Ln
Evergreen, CO 80439-8000
United States
Evergreen, CO 80439-8000
United States